Why Did More People Decide To Sell Their Homes Recently?

Homeowners typically slow down their moving plans as the summer months wrap up, and as a result, fewer homes are listed for sale in the fall. It’s a predictable, seasonal trend in real estate. But this year, mortgage rates came down at the same time the number of homes on the market usually starts to decline. So, what happened? More homeowners decided to sell, so more homes came to the market.

The most recent data from Realtor.com reveals that in September, the number of homes put up for sale increased by 11.6% compared to this time last year.

As the green circle in the graph below shows, the typical September decline in homes coming to the market didn’t happen – that number actually went up (see graph below):

a graph of a number of homesRalph McLaughlin, Senior Economist at Realtor.comexplains why there was an unseasonable rise:

“This sharp increase is largely due to the decline in mortgage rates in mid-August, enticing homeowners to sell.”

So, as rates came down at the end of the summer, more people jumped into the market and decided to make their move.

What Does This Mean If You’re Looking To Buy a Home?

It means more fresh options to choose from than you’ve had in a while – not the ones that have been sitting around, unsold.

But keep in mind, mortgage rates have been volatile lately, ticking up slightly in recent weeks, which could limit the number of people who feel comfortable with the idea of selling in the months ahead. And in this market, it’s mortgage rates that are largely driving homeowner decisions.

Why Buy Now, Rather Than Wait?

Whether you're looking for a starter home, an upgrade, or hoping to downsize, you have more homes to choose from right now. And if you can find what you’re looking for, know that these new, fresh options won’t be on the market forever. So, staying on top of what’s available in your local area with a trusted agent is key.

And remember, one month doesn’t make a trend. So, what does that mean going forward? Whether more homeowners than normal continue to put their houses on the market will largely depend on what happens with mortgage rates and the economic factors that impact them, like inflation, employment, and the reactions by the Federal Reserve.

With that in mind, now might be your moment, while more homes are available – if you’re ready, willing, and able to buy this fall.

Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist at the National Association of Realtors (NAR), explains:

“The rise in inventory – and, more technically, the accompanying months’ supply – implies home buyers are in a much-improved position to find the right home and at more favorable prices.”

Bottom Line

As rates came down at the end of the summer, sellers started to trickle back into the market, which means buyers have more choices right now. Let’s connect to make sure you have a trusted advisor to help you navigate the new options before they’re all scooped up. 

Two Reasons Why the Housing Market Won’t Crash

You may have heard chatter recently about the economy and talk about a possible recession. It's no surprise that kind of noise gets some people worried about a housing market crash. Maybe you’re one of them. But here’s the good news – there’s no need to panic. The housing market is not set up for a crash right now.

Real estate journalist Michele Lerner says:

“A housing market crash happens when home values plummet due to a lack of demand for homes or an oversupply.”

With that definition in mind, here are two reasons why this just isn’t on the horizon.

1. Demand for Homes Is Higher than Supply

One of the biggest reasons the housing market crashed back in 2008 was an oversupply of homes. Today, though, it’s a very different story.

It’s a general rule of thumb that a market where supply and demand are balanced has a six-month supply of homes. A higher number means supply outpaces demand, and a lower number means demand outpaces supply. The graph below uses data from NAR to put today’s situation into context:

a graph of a company's supplyThe graph compares housing supply during three different periods of time. The red bar shows there were 13 months of supply before the 2008 crisis, which was far too much. The gray bar shows a balanced market with six months of supply, for context. And the blue bar shows there are only 4.2 months of supply today.

Put simply, there are more people who want to buy homes than there are homes available to buy right now. So, demand is greater than supply. When that happens, home prices stay steady or rise – the opposite of a housing market crash.

It’s important to note that inventory levels differ from market to market. Some areas may be more balanced, while a few could have a slight oversupply, which can impact prices locally. However, most markets continue to experience a shortage of homes.

Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist at the National Association of Realtors (NAR), says:

We simply don’t have enough inventory. Will some markets see a price decline? Yes. [But] with the supply not being there, the repeat of a 30 percent price decline is highly, highly unlikely.”

2. Unemployment Is Still Low

When people are unemployed, they’re more likely to have trouble making their mortgage payments and may be forced to sell or face foreclosure. That was a big problem during the 2008 financial crisis. Today, the employment situation is much more stable (see graph below):

a graph of employmentAgain, this graph shows three different periods of time, but this one is the unemployment rate. The red bar represents the 2008 financial crisis when unemployment was very high at 8.3%. The gray bar shows the 75-year average of 5.7%. And the blue bar shows the unemployment rate today, and it’s much lower at just 4.1%.

Right now, people are working, earning an income, and making their mortgage payments. That’s one reason why the wave of foreclosures that happened in 2008 isn’t going to happen again this time. Plus, since so many people are employed right now, many are actually in a position to buy a home, and this demand keeps upward pressure on prices.

Today’s Housing Market Is Stronger than in 2008

While it’s understandable to be concerned when you hear talk of a recession and economic uncertainty, but know this: the housing market is in a much better place than it was in 2008. According to Rick Sharga, Founder and CEO at CJ Patrick Company:

“Literally everything is different about today’s housing market dynamics than the conditions that led to the housing crisis.”

Demand for homes still outpaces supply, and unemployment remains low. And these are two key factors that will help prevent the housing market from crashing any time soon.

Bottom Line

The housing market is doing a lot better than it was in 2008, but it’s important to remember that real estate is very local.

So, it’s always a good idea to stay informed about our specific market. If you have any questions or want to discuss how these factors are playing out in our area, feel free to reach out.